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£2544.00 INCL VAT (Based on 4 People)

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The Mountains are Calling

With over 100km of purpose-built trails across 3 national mountain bike trail centres each within 90 minutes drive, Northern Ireland is an ideal location for mountain biking holidays in the UK and Ireland. Start your experience with us at Rostrevor Mountain Bike Trails, East Coast Adventure on day of arrival.

You will visit:

  • Rostrevor Mountain Bike Trails
  • Castlewellan Mountain Bike Trails
  • Davagh Mountain Bike Trails

Rostrevor Mountain Bike Trails offer some challenging mountain biking along with incredible coastal views and exhilarating single track descents.  These spectacular trails include a 27km Red Trail, 19km Black Trail, and two downhill trails 1.8km Mega Mission and 1.3km On The Pulse. (Click here for trail info)

Castlewellan with green, blue and red grade trails (including black options) Castlewellan is a must-visit for mountain bikers of all ages and abilities. (Click here for trail info)

Davagh Forest offers gentle mountain biking, as well as an impressive 16km red trail with some rock slab drops you will never forget! (Click here for trail info)

Package Includes:

  • Glamping Accommodation (4 People 2 Nights) @ East Coast Glamping
  • Bed linen pack (2 Nights)
  • Firewood pack (2 Nights)
  • Towels
  • 4x Hard Tail Mountain Bike Hire (3 Days)
  • Mountain Bike Guide
  • Uplifts & Forest Park Entry
  • MTB Trail Transfers
  • Visit main trail centres, Davagh, Castlewellan and Rostrevor.
  • Tour also includes mechanical service, spares and repairs.

Further Information:

This experience is tailor made and priced for 4 people.

This is a 3 day mountain bike experience to fully experience the variety of mountain bike trails Northern Ireland has to offer.

PLEASE NOTE: This package does not include catering.  Self catering facilities are available onsite, please checkout various local restaurants and bars links above.

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Searching Availability...


Contact Details:

Contact our sales office for prices on 02841738516 or email [email protected].